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Testing that Reaches the World

Telecom Industry

The importance of reliable and operational Telecommunications equipment is vital in many of today's daily challenges - even in determining the difference between life and death. Clark's industry experts evaluate and qualify network equipment to GR-63-CORE via product performance at specific levels of Temperature, Humidity, Vibration, and other related test criteria.

Clark provides equipment design validation and testing according to NEBS standards:

  • GR-63-CORE
  • GR-487-CORE
  • GR-1089-CORE
  • GR-3108-CORE

Testing Services


Clark Testing Seismic Testing Laboratory primary Seismic tri-axial shake table is comprised of a 10 x 10 hexagon plate operating on an independent tri-axial hydraulic system. Clark Testing Seismic table is capable of performing seismic testing of large packages up to 20,000 lbs. (total test specimen weight including all fixtures) with ZPA of 1G. Higher ZPA's are achieved with lower weight.


Clark Dynamics has the environmental chambers to accelerate aging and validate functional performance for longer plant-life expectancy. Clark can accommodate large component aging for extended periods simulating containment internal conditions as high as 170C.

Structural, Load and Fatigue

Unique to each test specimen are its functional and design-basis lifetime requirements. Clark’s facilities have the equipment and technical expertise to test a variety of components for mechanical fatigue and failure, life cycle, aging, accelerated aging, and simulation.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Common to automated systems and electronics in the industry is the requirement to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of components and mitigate vulnerability to outside sources. Emissions and Immunity analysis provides insight as to the potentially undesirable propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy and radiofrequency interference.

We work closely with you to validate engineering, ensure quality, analyze products and qualify equipment while supporting the time constraints and product cycles that are vital to your success.

Paul Heffernan, CEO of Clark Testing