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Testing that Reaches the World

Ultimate Load Testing

An ultimate load test is a type of destructive test where the component is loaded until failure. An ultimate test can help determine the load at which a component will start to deform plastically or irreversibly. This information is particularly useful for engineers in designing parts and choosing materials. This testing can also help refine and validate FEA models and find flaws in manufacturing processes. Ultimate testing can determine the maximum load safety factor is being met and help meet other quality and safety specifications

Oftentimes during a product development cycle a DFMEA, or design failure modes and effects analysis will be performed to try to predict how a part will fail and what the effects will be, and for mechanical systems an ultimate test can be the main method of validating those analyses. A catastrophic failure of a part during use can have follow on effects that can harm other systems or people nearby, an ultimate load test can help determine and reduce these risks.

Clark Custom Designed Testing

Clark Testing specializes in designing custom test setups based on our customer’s needs. We have the capability to design control systems to apply multiple loads based on custom load profiles while recording data on any number of channels needed. Our design engineers can work with your CAD model and our FEA software to design frames and fixtures for your testing to ensure that the test can be conducted under circumstances that are as close to field conditions as possible.

Clark Fatigue Load Testing Capabilities
  • Vertical and horizontal load frames with 55,000 lb, 100,000lb and 1,000,000+ lb capabilities
  • Data acquisition on dozens of channels at rates up to the mhz range
  • Strain gage application and data recording
  • Displacement or elongation measurement
  • Servohydraulic controlled actuators to apply loads
Clark Test Report

Clark’s test reports adhere to the quality requirements of ISO 17025:2017 and will include.

  • An overview and summary of the testing performed
  • A detailed list of the setup and NIST-traceable instruments that were used
  • The test method used
  • Test results; including load vs time, data tables, comments and observations from the test
  • Photographs of the test setup and the parts for failure analysis

Fatigue load testing often has certain common results that are recorded, such as.

  • Load vs time
  • Max Load
  • Deflection at Max Load
  • Strain measurement with strain gauges
  • Elongation at break
  • Yield strengh
  • Young's Model
  • Ultimate Tensile Strength

We work closely with you to validate engineering, ensure quality, analyze products and qualify equipment while supporting the time constraints and product cycles that are vital to your success.

Paul Heffernan, CEO of Clark Testing